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Joe biden and kalama harris finally met with nancy pelosi and chuck Schumer on covid 19 issues.

 The president,joe Biden and the vice president,kalama Harris met with the houses speaker, Nancy Pelosi and senator, chuck Schumer on how to control the coronavirus  in the state.       The president,joe biden have taken to his Facebook page that him and the vice president,kalama Harris have met with the houses speaker Nancy Pelosi and senator chuck Schumer to discuss on how they will get coronavirus under control and deliver much-needed relief to build back better than before.         Also:    Joe biden on his latest post  have Express his concise on the transgender in American that he will support and fight for their right and justice that have been denied from them From the pass administration of donald donald trump's. 

See what pope Francis said about the flood cause by strong typhoon in Philippines.

     Pope francis prayed for the people philistines over the flood cause by a strong typhoon.     Pope Francis have Expressed his solidarity to the poor people and those  who are doing all they can to help them.       The catholic leader pope Francis have share in his Twitter account about flood that happened in malina in philistines and have said via @Twitter that I am near in prayer to the dear people of philistines who have suffered due to the destruction and especially due to the flood cause by strong typhoon. and finally he Expressed his solidarity to the poorest people and those who is help the out of the situation.  Also it have been recorded that the flood have claimed least the live 42  people and destroyed properties and have made people flee from their roof to a safer environment .    The military have come confirm that the flood  water have receded and the weather is now clear in some area after the i...

Just now:Check the owner of this crash car and your your love one that route travelled today.

 Ghastly accident that happened at pipeline before wannune,tarka local government of benue state.     Check the plate number of this crash car and ur people that travelled route today to discover the owner   It was shared @ukah kurugh on Facebook about accidents that happened at wannune, tarka local government of benue state just now. @ukah kurugh.      The accident involved a white Lexus 350 that was completely crashed at the front which the driver was ghast completely beyond reconcide. Please check to discover the driver to help move the body.

No more lockdown !see what elect-president joe biden, covid 19 task forces suggested.

 Would you support another lockdown? The elect-president biden joe newly formed coronavirus task forces suggested pay individual and businesses for another 4 -to- 6 weeks lockdown to prevent the spread of the disease while they wait for vaccine .   The despite president donald trump have not accepted  the election result the elect-president joe biden have newly form Coronavirus task.   The Corona virus task force Have analyzed the spread of virus in the country,and have suggested that the federal government to pay individuals,businesses and local government during the 4-to-6 lockdown period,where by helping to reduce the spread of the virus in the country.       Also read :the elect-president,joe biden appoint the white house chief of staff .also the elect president also appoint the chief of staff yesterday which the elected president will definitely move the country to the higher level.   Pls drop ur comment to know that you think about the ...

See what the Senate president said about Nigeria economy

 The senate president tells the international monetary fund (IMF),that Nigeria on the path of growth despite challenges .   The flag off of the national young farmer schemes will be re-launched-Senate president.      The senate president, ahmad lawan have Expressed optimism that Nigeria economy is being steer on the path of growth despite prevailing challenges      The senate president ahmad lawan spoke on Thursday during nigeria/international monetary fund(IMF)consultation virtually exercises about the challenges affecting the economy in Nigeria.    Also the senate president also lamented that the virtual exercises is to share experience of how to grow our economy despite conditions that prevailing the growth.  Also lawan also outlined the effort being made by the nigeria government to steer the economy of the country to growth despite challenges.due to pandemic (covid 19)that affected the world also hits the country in a bad form ...

Donald Trump: with 72 million votes,we got highest votes

 The president of America donald trump have give the clue that he got 72 million which him to been the most elected president in the history of America.    Also, the president have draw the attention of people that in Pennsylvania and Michigan they did not allow their poll watcher or vote observers to watch and observe,and it responsible for hundreds of thousands of votes that should not have been counted thereby he won in both state.  He also announced that he gave he support to ronna McDaniel to continue heading the Republican national committee (RNC).      

The elect-president,joe biden appoint the white house chief of staff

 The elect-president of united states of America,joe biden appoint Ron Klein's the chief of staff of the White House.     Elect-president said that,Ron Klein's who is a verified experience and capable people to work  with people all across the political spectrum is precisely that he wanted in the white house from the  chief of staff as he confront this present crisis and bring the country together. It  was seen that United states of America gave their total support to the elect president joe biden after been spotted celebrating his victory after he won.      t